Aturan Umum Perjalanan Udara Internasional
Pameran Pelancongan Florata Melindungi Budaya Flores dan Lembata

Law Regarding Withdrawal of Refunds for Donation Programs

In the practice of buying and selling carried out by several supermarkets or minimarkets in the field, it is found that if a buyer buys goods at the supermarket or minimarket then pays extra money, if there is change with a nominal amount of several rupiahs, the seller works around this so that there is no impression that the money is coming in. into the treasury of the minimarket, namely by working with certain social institutions or foundations which then open the infaq box for the foundation.

Donation Information


A donation or donation or is a gift that is generally physical in nature by an individual or legal entity, this gift is voluntary without any benefit in nature, although the donation can be in the form of food, goods, clothing, toys or vehicles but this is not always the case In the event of a disaster emergency or in certain other circumstances, for example, donations may take the form of humanitarian assistance or assistance in the form of development.

In Islam, donation is also called infaq and shadaqah. Alms (shadaqah) from the word shadq or shidq "sincerity, truth"; as proof of the truth of one's faith. Ar-Raghib al-Asfahani defines that alms are the assets issued by a person in order to get closer to Allah.

In the application for withdrawing change money for the donation program, the company or seller should first ask for approval from the consumer. In addition, on the buyer's receipt a nominal amount is stated.

The withdrawal of change for this Donate Info program is to facilitate transactions between sellers and buyers, so that small amounts of money are transferred to the form of donations.

However, it should be wiser and more transparent that consumer funds donated can be understood by consumers so as not to cause uncertainty and an element of compulsion.

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